Manav Seva Charitable Trust was formed in 26 jan 2013 as one of only five mental health and social care in the country.

We offer a wide spectrum of mental health, social care and wellbeing services to meet the needs of adults of working age and older adults.
We also provide care for those service users still living at home, through our 10 Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) based throughout the city which provide assessment, care and support for adults of working age and older adults with mental health problems.


At present Manav Seva Charitable Trust serves 564 residents. These residents come from fourteen different states in India. Out of these, about 80% of residents survive and make excellent progress thanks to regular treatment and medicine, and about 40% are totally dependent on care takers due to different types of disabilities. Currently, Manav Seva Charitable Trust admits an average of 35 residents and rehabilitate 24 residents every month. And due to critical and incurable diseases or old age, an average of six inmates expires every month. Hence every month our number of permanent residents increases by an average of seven patients. disability


To improve and enhance mental and physical health and wellbeing, facilitate personal fulfilment and help people to make a positive contribution to their communities.


Truthfulness Maintaining an honest and open dialogue with staff and service users to ensure that we provide best advice and integrated care solutions that respond to specific need.

Respect Valuing people – service users, staff and partners – respecting their dignity and seeking to deliver appropriate care and services tailored to the individual.

Understanding An ongoing commitment to research and development; to continuously extend our knowledge and skills, so that the latest teaching and practice are at the heart of our service development.

Standards Setting the highest standards of professionalism, safety, security and confidentiality in all that we do.

Togetherness A commitment to partnership so that services can be fully integrated to reflect the needs of service users, carers and communities.